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Best Strategy for Audience Building

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There’s a lot of hype around making money online. This hype is as old as the World-Wide Web itself: since the 1990s, people are searching and other people are promoting ways to get this tackled and finally succeed in Getting Rich Quick — which is unlikely to happen, just as it is not possible for alchemists to recreate Gold or for “life-scientists” to replicate any living being, from Sheep Dolly to breeding aborted embryos in China into something new. Doesn’t work, waste of time (and resources).

So — simply let’s not!

What we can do

What we can do though is pursue the best ways there are and that do work and exist — because there are quite a handful…

These range from creating one’s own original content of your own and monetizing it using appropriate means and tools to utilizing other people’s content (with permission of course, just to make it clear what I mean here). Both will help you building an online audience that is increasingly valuable. Do note that all of the above are not ways of Getting Rich Quick though! Rather, these are ways — sometimes still remarkably simple and easy-to-do — to go after it professionally and as part of a longer-term plan.

So, Where’s the Beef? — Let’s get into it…

Now that we got this out of the way, let us get into the methods, tools, and procedures to use in order to get there.

You do not need a fancy website of your own, you do not need a range of complicated products of your own, and you do not need millions in seed capital to get there. That’s the good news. The bad news is that, although it’s easy to do, there are also ways to get it wrong — and get nowhere as a result. It would be wrong to take spammy shortcuts, it would likely be wrong to try and figure it out on your own within a couple days, and it would definitely be wrong to expect that it can all be done within a day or two!