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Marketing Needs to Be Affordable

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Working online or working remotely, doing office work or online marketing and IT work using a computer or notebook.

While there are some designers out there charging nearly £5000 for slapping a common WordPress package on to some hosted place and then perhaps adding a bit of bespoke content to it, we believe that’s not the way to go. We think that — and we know why —  it shouldn’t cost that much for the vast majority of projects. True, there are situations where the sheer complexity of the endeavor and amount of time consumed for its realization may result in an expensive price tag.

These shouldn’t be your average scenarios for setting up common websites for a small businesses though.

Focused and Also Affordable for Small Business

Your mm Websites & Marketing solution will be to your exact specifications, and we will add all the functions you want and need for making your online business presence reflect your actual business model. We will add the features and functionality you require, and remove the ones you don’t need, but all this will still come in at significantly lower cost for you.

And here’s why:

As we have lots of experience, we know what to include and — more importantly — what to skip or remove for you. With our professionally laid out packages, you as well as everyone else will save time, resulting in significantly lower cost (and better manageability). Beyond just the lower one-time cost right from the start, you will also enjoy recurring benefits with our solutions each and every day you spend less time, or lower costs in hourly fees, for whatever task or maintenance needs to be done (by yourself, by us, or by any other contractors you may hire to perform these tasks).

Your Choice of Platforms: WordPress or One of the Many Others

We offer a wider range of different base systems: from WordPress or Joomla to Pagekit, Grav and other flat-file CMS (Content-Management System) packages. That way, we can offer both feature-rich and complex systems as well as lightweight and speed-optimised ones running on smaller, low-cost infrastructure.

The options and expertise you find at mm Websites & Marketing will put your business online for a lower set-up price as well as lower running-costs for you.

After all, marketing is supposed to increase your profits, not eat them away! Our solutions deliver on that, helping to build long-lasting profits for you and measurable results exceeding the initial cost laid out within a short period of time; and that is how effective marketing should be.