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Resources List

This resources list provides names and details, if available, about tools and solutions you may want to use on your own website. These solutions help you to improve several kinds of tasks or dreaded chores that often come with running a website and doing the admin work by yourself. Using these tools will at least make it a little easier…

We hope, it’s helpful!

Recommended Tools and Solutions

There are a wide range of WordPress plugins to help you to get the job done more easily, conveniently and faster. We will includ [Below is] a selection of the ones we like best: These are free links; other links mostly are affiliate links that may result in a commission payment for us if you click them and buy as a result of our recommendation.

WordPress Plugins We Like, Recommend and Optionally Can Provide with Your Packages

  • unsurprisingly, we should appropriately list EasyAffiliate Links here first
  • Smush
  • Mailerlite