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Website Types Offering the Best Potential

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Online courses, a great way to monetize websites, get traffic, be successful online in e-commerce

In this increasingly content-driven world we live in you have to differentiate between project types that perform and deliver handsome profits and the ones that don’t. Only with the former you stand a viable chance of success whereas with unsuitable content types you simple will go nowhere.

There Are Many Different Types of Website

Topics for and types of websites come and go. In the late 1990s, most any type of website was en vogue, and everyone dreamed themselves rich just when putting up any type of pre-school type of content as long as it had some space for banner advertising on it. Well, this did not really work for the great majority of website owners; and that can’t even be blamed on the ensuing “Dot-com crash” but rather the total lack of value in such content along with a similarly damning lack of marketing knowledge on the part of such website owners.

Little wonder, then, that — no — these guys did not get rich (let alone quick).

Successful Types of Website

Among the types of website surviving the dot-com crash, a pattern developed showing which kinds of content and website were sought-after by the internet-using public and which types weren’t. The successful ones have evolved further, were refined by tech and marketing-savvy website owners, and are mostly still around today. These fall in the following categories:

  • interactive websites offering information that’s in demand on one hand and personalization features on the other
  • online stores for products people actually need
  • specific landing pages, serving the sole purpose of showcasing or featuring a selected product or service and converting visitors to leads or buyers for it
  • entertainment, from gaming, audio or video content (including porn or so-called adult entertainment) to “gamified” trivia or sweepstakes (especially if there is a perceived chance to “win” free stuff); people do love free stuff…
  • education (especially if it’s free — equally popular, if online courses are intelligently pre-selected and at the same time well-presented); people want to get ahead in their lives, and fast, so they want to learn what’s needed for it
  • information collections — again, especially if it’s free (or people are duped into believing it is free): think Google Search and Google’s Youtube video offerings (although you actually pay through your nose for it by surrendering your valuable personal data and privacy)!

These are some large groups of content types that are in demand. Running something along these lines will yield tons of visitors and high volume traffic for you. The problem only is that, unless you have massive resources, you can’t really handle this kind of offering and traffic.

Make Sure You Really Can Handle It!

This leaves the lower-spec ones up for grabs. If you are very knowledgeable of web services, APIs, and outsourcing offers available, you can select most topics from the list above and intelligently fence off the heavy-lifting (like video streaming etc) to platforms that you can use either for free or at least low-cost. Mega Cloud Drive, Vimeo, Wistia or even Amazon’s AWS come to mind here (though AWS can better be replaced by less expensive hosting services that can effectively handle the same jobs for you; do a quick web search, do you due diligence — and save $$$ per month)!

How to Avoid Pitfalls and Take a Few Shortcuts

If you do not have the knowledge are do not feel sufficiently internet-savvy to know all the latest tricks, then your best bet is finding an IT developer or a consultant who can point you to the right solutions and also set them up for you or support you in the process, if needed. Our specialists at ffWeb Agency are experienced with both tech developments, IT engineering and website administration and setup, as well as latest trends when it comes to cloud-based or other solutions as well as any flavor of the day there may or may not be worth looking into. Real IT pros need to know all of this and should also be able to judge what’s worth going with or what you can safely ignore in order to save you some trouble, wasted resources, and valuable time! A knowledgeable pro will only recommend solutions and additions to existing or new ventures if they are tested and proven. With ffWeb Agency solutions, you can move forward faster and will save significantly more than it costs to hire our consultants or outsource the jobs for deploying features and options you need and want for your business.

It’s always a matter of who does what best. That’s why you hire specialists so you can focus on what you do best, which is managing your business and being able to move it forward because you’re not wasting your time with things you may or may not be sufficiently experienced with. If, on the other hand, you have an above-average grasp of technology yourself and only need some finishing touches to be applied to something you have completed, or an existing deployment you only want to add small extras to, we’re more than happy to assist you with this as well. Talk to us for IT solutions, web design, or other services available using our contact form so we can come up with the right solution tailor-made for you.